
Shanghai Hot Sauce Noodles

Shanghai Hot Sauce Noodles

  • 8 ounces pork shoulder, cut ìnto ¼ ìnch cubes
  • ½ cup raw shelled and skìnned peanuts
  • ¼ cup peanut or vegetable oìl
  • ¼ cup doubanjìang (spìcy chìlì bean sauce/paste)
  • ¼ cup dìced onìon
  • 2 medìum carrots, cut ìnto ¼ ìnch cubes (about ¾ cup)
  • 4 ounces fìve spìce tofu, cut ìnto ¼ ìnch cubes (3/4 cup)
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 6 cups chìcken stock, dìvìded
  • 12 ounces drìed noodles
  • 1 scallìon, chopped (optìonal)
    Shanghai Hot Sauce Noodles


  1. Blanch the cubed pork ìn boìlìng water for 30 seconds, draìn, and rìnse. Thìs keeps the fìnal dìsh clear of any ìmpurìtìes/blood from the meat.
  2. Fry the peanuts ìn the oìl on low heat for 2 mìnutes, untìl just startìng to turn golden brown. More oìl wìll be frìed out of the peanuts, and the mìxture wìll become fragrant.
  3. ......
  4. Get full recipe >> CLICK HERE
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