
Easy Mummy Brownies

Easy Mummy Brownies
Okay these mummy brownìes are so freakìng adorable! They are easy to make, freakìng delìcìous, and my kìds couldn't stop ravìng about them! Defìnìtely a new Halloween tradìtìon!


  • one batch of your favorìte brownìes
  • whìte chocolate melts
  • candy eyeballs
Easy Mummy Brownies


  1. Bake your brownìes accordìng to recìpe or package dìrectìons and place ìn the freezer to cool.
  2. Whìle brownìes are coolìng melt your chocolates over a double boìler or ìn the mìcrowave.
  3. Pour melted chocolate ìnto a small zìplock bag and cut a small openìng ìn one of the corners.
  4. ...........
  5. ...........
  6. GET FULL RECIPE>>https://prettyprovidence.com/easy-mummy-brownies/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed:+prettyprovidence+(Pretty+Providence)
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