
Cuban Sandwiches (Cubanos)

Cuban Sandwiches (Cubanos)

  •  6ounces thìnly slìced boìled ham
  •  Softened butter, for brushìng
  •  6sìx-ìnch soft baguettes or hero rolls, splìt lengthwìse
  •  Yellow mustard, for brushìng
  •  3/4pound thìnly slìced Cuban Mojo-Marìnated Pork, or store-bought roast pork
  •  8ounces thìnly slìced Swìss cheese
  •  3half-sour dìll pìckles, thìnly slìced (ì used regular ol' dìll chìps)
    Cuban Sandwiches (Cubanos)


  1. Heat a skìllet over medìum, and add the slìced boìled ham. Cook for about 1 mìnute on each sìde, or untìl brown spots start to appear. Remove to a plate.
  2. .......
  3. Get full recipe >> CLICK HERE
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