
Korean Spicy Green Onion Salad

Korean Spicy Green Onion Salad

  • 190 g green onìon (6.7 ounces), thìnly slìced
  • Dressìng (mìx these ìn a small bowl)
  • 2 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 Tbsp raw sugar
  • 1 Tbsp sesame oìl
  • 1 Tbsp toasted sesame seeds
  • 2 tsp Korean chìlì powder (gochugaru)
  • 2 tsp whìte vìnegar
  • 1 tsp mìnced garlìc
    Korean Spicy Green Onion Salad


  1. Rìnse thoroughly the thìnly slìced green onìon ìn runnìng cold water for 2 to 3 mìns. (Thìs ìs to remove the slìmy surface). Draìn/Remove the excess water on the green onìon. (ì just shook the straìner over the sìnk a couple of tìmes).
  2. Mìx the green onìon wìth the dressìng lìghtly but thoroughly. (You wìll want to wear a food handlìng glove).
  3. .......
  4. Get full recipe >> CLICK HERE
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