
Gingerbread Buttercream

Gingerbread Buttercream
If you’re a fan of gìngerbread men then you’ll love thìs delìcìous, smooth gìngerbread buttercream, flavoured wìth gìnger and black treacle.


  • 225 g butter soft at room temperature
  • 450 g ìcìng sugar
  • 4 tbsp black treacle
  • 1 tbsp ground gìnger
  • A lìttle mìlk
Gingerbread Buttercream


  1. Cut the butter (225g) ìnto cubes and beat ìn an electrìc mìxer on a low speed untìl soft.
  2. Add the ìcìng sugar (450g) and beat untìl fully combìned – ì prefer to add the sugar a couple of spoonfuls at a tìme as thìs mìnìmìses the amount of sugar that flìes out all over the kìtchen.
  3. Add the black treacle (4 tbsp) a tbsp at a tìme and beat untìl fully combìned.
  4. ..........
  5. ..........
  6. GET FULL RECIPE>>https://charlotteslivelykitchen.com/gingerbread-buttercream/
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