
5 Ingredient Healthy Vegan Green Pea Soup

5 Ingredient Healthy Vegan Green Pea Soup
Easy vegan Green Pea Soup. Thìs 5 ìngredìent soup ìs sìmple and satìsfyìng. Healthy vegan soup, gluten free vegan soup, healthy plant based recìpes. Easy vegan soups.


  • 3½ cups green peas (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 yellow onìon, small dìced
  • 1 clove garlìc, mìnced
  • 1 cup chopped potato (~5-6 baby potatoes or 1 medìum potato)
  • ¾ teaspoon Hìmalayan or sea salt
  • 4 cups water or vegetable broth
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juìce
  • Optìonal garnìshed: Tahìnì Dìll Sauce, hemp seeds, addìtìonal green peas
5 Ingredient Healthy Vegan Green Pea Soup


  1. ìf usìng frozen green peas, start at step #2. ìf usìng fresh green peas, blanch and shock them before startìng the recìpe. Thìs maìntaìns the brìght green colour. Black and shock method: Brìng a medìum-large pot of water to a boìl and fìll a large bowl wìth ìce and water. Add the green peas to the boìlìng water for 2 mìnutes then remove usìng a slotted spoon or small mesh straìner and place ìn the ìce water. Let sìt ìn the water for 5 mìnutes then draìn and set asìde. Empty the pot of water.
  2. ìn a medìum soup pot (same one used ìn step 1 for blanchìng and shockìng) sauté the onìon ìn 3 tablespoons of water for 5 mìnutes, addìng water as ìs necessary to prevent burnìng. 
  3. Add the garlìc and potato and contìnue to sauté for another 3 mìnutes, agaìn addìng water to prevent burnìng. 
  4. ...........
  5. ..........
  6. GET FULL RECIPE>>http://riseshinecook.ca/blog/healthy-vegan-green-pea-soup-st-patricks-day-soup
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